So yesturday was the first day of advent so out came the advent calanders. I've been home this weekend and my mum got the advent calander out the she made me years and years ago, normally she puts little presents in each pocket but this year she's put chocolates in with Victorian style Christmas drawings on the wrappers.

I always get an advent calander as well in return, now that I'm older. I got her this Snowman one from Marks and Spencers because she collects the Royal Doulton Snowman ornaments.

We have a little felt envelope for us to put our Christmas lists in as well which is currently hanging above the fire place in the dining room but it'll be moved next week when we put the decorations up.

We bought this CD yesturday because it has 'It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year' from the Marks and Spencers advert on it. It's a nice CD with a mixture of old songs and classic Christmas songs like Band Aid and Wizzard on it.

We got several packets of Christmas pot pourri last week in York so my mum has put vases and bowls of it everywhere to make the house smell all Christmassy. I can't for next week to put the rest of the decorations up! So I'm coming home next weekend as well which is the last weekend before the end of this semester, we break up for the Christmas holidays a week next friday which is the 14th!

Yesturday I went Christmas shopping with my dad for gifts for my mum, we had a suprisingly successful trip even though we didn't have a list, I also bought It's a Wonderful Life on DVD because I've never seen it before and everyone always says it's their favourite Christmas film so I'm really looking forward to watching it. Last night me and my mum made a start on wrapping the families Christmas presents while watching The Muppet Christmas Carol and The Beauty and the Beast Christmas movie on video (how retro!) while drinking hot chocolate.

Currently watching: Father Christmas